Friday, May 28, 2010


TJ and I like to go to various community play groups. One of my favorites is at a Lutheran church, and they have the best-stocked nursery I've ever seen. I've noticed that everytime we go lately, TJ spends the entire time enthralled by the big Legos. So yesterday we finally went to Target and bought him some Legos of his own.

He played with them all afternoon. I couldn't get him to eat dinner because he wanted to keep playing with his Legos. So we comprimised and I fed him dinner while he held a Lego in each hand. He played with them after dinner.

When it was time for bed, he cried when I took him away from the Legos. And he's played with them all morning. I think this is love.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Family Pictures

I have learned-mostly the hard way- the value of good pictures; and that a photographer whose vision coincides with your own is a rare and wonderful find. I've been wanting to do family pictures for a long time, and finally made the call just before Christmas. It took, honestly, MONTHS and MONTHS* for the weather and schedules of all parties concerned to finally line up (with the weather being the most truculent and disagreeable one involved). We had many a shoot canceled at the last moment due to rain or snow-- always AFTER I had spent all weekend making sure both of my men had fresh haircuts, clean clothes, and buffed shoes. But here, finally, are the gems of our photographers labours, and TJ's frequent haircuts. There are alot of pictures. It's to make up for my lack of posting. If you live in OKC, our photographer is Randy Coleman. Call me for his number, and because I have referral coupons for you!
*When we scheduled the pictures, I bought TJ a new pair of bootcut baby jeans, so he could match his parents. However, by the time the pictures were finally shot, he had nearly grown out of the jeans, and you'll notice they are rather high-water.